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Our Year Revolves Around the Biblical Holy Days


This past week I spent two days in meetings participating in planning for the autumn Feast of Tabernacles. We are Christians who observe the Holy Days of the Bible listed in Leviticus 23. Our whole year revolves around these seven annual festivals even as our week revolves around the Sabbath day.

It is only when a person actively observes the Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day that we can truly understand God’s magnificent plan of salvation. Significantly, each one of these festivals was observed by Jesus Christ during his lifetime on this earth. Furthermore, each of these festivals teach us something vitally important about Jesus Christ and His critical part in God’s plan.

Entertainment and What Would Jesus Do?

Entertainment and What Would Jesus Do?

This past week I went to see a movie with a group of special friends. The reviews of the movie seemed reasonable so we went looking forward to some rest and relaxation and a good change of pace. However, that was not to be!

Although it was rated PG, there was bad language, twisted humour and inappropriate scenes! While the plot certainly had the potential to have some redeeming value, and a time or two almost reached it, the group of us determined that seeing this movie was sadly dismaying and disappointing.

Why does the movie industry insist on creating veritable garbage? Can you imagine a world where entertainment reflected genuine Christian values? What would it be like if those in charge would ask themselves, “What Would Jesus Do?” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to go to a theatre without wondering if you would need to walk out because of inappropriate content?

Preparing for Natural Disasters


During the past few weeks, we have heard and perhaps shared our own stories of what happened during the severe winter weather hitting Ontario. Many were without power for hours and even days. It has struck home how we need to prepare for emergencies.

You have probably seen several lists of things to do to help prepare for the unexpected. They would include such things as:

1. Create a plan. Have a meeting place where the family will assemble. Or, perhaps have a contact person outside the area that members of the family can check in with.
2. Put together a disaster kit that will include such things as non-perishable food stuffs and water to last 72 hours, flashlights, extra batteries and extra cash in case the ATM machines aren’t working.
3. Create a list of important documents. This list should be kept off site in case your house is destroyed.
4. Know what your insurance covers and does not cover.

Ice Storm in Southern Ontario


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