
Entertainment and What Would Jesus Do?

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Entertainment and What Would Jesus Do?

This past week I went to see a movie with a group of special friends. The reviews of the movie seemed reasonable so we went looking forward to some rest and relaxation and a good change of pace. However, that was not to be!

Although it was rated PG, there was bad language, twisted humour and inappropriate scenes! While the plot certainly had the potential to have some redeeming value, and a time or two almost reached it, the group of us determined that seeing this movie was sadly dismaying and disappointing.

Why does the movie industry insist on creating veritable garbage? Can you imagine a world where entertainment reflected genuine Christian values? What would it be like if those in charge would ask themselves, “What Would Jesus Do?” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to go to a theatre without wondering if you would need to walk out because of inappropriate content?

Of course, before people can truly understand “what would Jesus do”, they need to know what Jesus Christ was really like, how he conducted himself while here on earth and what his purpose was. They need to know what his values were and are. Many of these answers are found in the booklet, Jesus Christ: The Real Story (

If we all lived according to the standards of Jesus Christ – asking ourselves “What would Jesus Do?” – the world would look much different. Many of the current trends would change drastically. Movies would truly be uplifting and would not be promoting a prurient agenda. The whole moral fiber of society would improve dramatically!

Anthony Wasilkoff