
Teens and Pornography

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There is increasing concern over the growing trend for teenage boys to access pornography online. The non-profit organization MediaSmarts recently conducted a survey of students in all provinces and territories that included questions about sexuality. Around forty per cent of the boys admitting to looking at pornography online. About one-third of them said they did so daily while another third said they did so at least once a week.


This trend is especially alarming when these young people are developing their ideas of what is normal and appropriate behaviour in relationships. Of course, the concepts they acquire at this age are likely to continue for a lifetime.


In addition to looking at pornography, “sexting” has become more common with about one in ten students saying they had sent a “sext” of themselves. A “sext” is defined as “sexy, nude or partially nude photos” which are created by the original sender. Most realized that these could be passed on to others. It seems that most young people who forward a “sext” do not see that doing so is a lack of respect for that person, nor do they have empathy for that person. We have probably heard stories of some of the horrific results these can lead to.


The Christian community is not immune to the problem of pornography. Many hesitate to reach out for help for fear of looking weak. However, when a Christian is having a problem, it is crucial to get help. If you, or someone you love, is experiencing a problem with pornography, check out the Bible study aid entitled “Overcoming Pornography Addiction”.


Anthony Wasilkoff