
Summer Vacation Time

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Summer time is so very enjoyable with the warm breezes, sweet scent of flowers, chirping birds, and, of course, the aroma of the outdoor barbeques!


Students are enjoying time off from school and most of us also look forward to some time away from work to recharge the batteries. Getting away for a few days or weeks can be just what is needed to reduce our stress and help us come back refreshed and better able to accomplish our many tasks.


Many people are now opting for “staycations,” which is actually a new word coined to mean a vacation that is taken while staying at home. These staycations can be much less costly, less demanding and potentially more relaxing than traveling with its packing, driving, waiting in airports, waking up in strange surroundings and perhaps eating tainted food.


A staycation can also have risks. There is the overwhelming temptation to check email and be connected with work. Then there are the never-ending household projects that have been put on hold until you have time to tackle them. This can lead to working the entire vacation time rather than taking a proper break.


Many articles have been written about how to have a successful staycation. Some hints are to try new restaurants, visit museums, go to a bakery, enjoy a leisurely day at the park or go on a hike. The idea is to avoid your usual routine and to behave like a tourist in your own area.


There is one routine that we should maintain or even increase during a vacation or a staycation. That is, our connection with God! During a vacation – whether we stay at home or travel – we should maintain or improve our daily routine of prayer, Bible study and meditation. Perhaps this would be a good time to start a new Bible Study course. Or perhaps you would like to start a schedule to reading the Bible through in a year. Both of these resources are beneficial for reducing stress and helping to focus on with what is really important in this life.


Anthony Wasilkoff