
Suffering and the Book of Job

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If you have been following the Daily Bible Reading schedule, you will have been covering the very difficult trials that Job went through. He lost family, wealth and then, finally, his own health. It is hard to imagine anyone living through as many calamities as he did.


His friends tried to advise him and even seemed to blame him for his trials – thinking he had done something to warrant them. To make matters worse, Job’s wife, instead of being supportive, suggested that he should just curse God for his hardships and get it over with.


We all go through tough times when we may wonder why God is allowing severe trials to beset us. Some believe in a “health and wealth” Christianity. That is, if you just believe in Christ, all will be well. on the other end of the spectrum, some use human suffering as a reason for not even believing God exists. There must be a more balanced approach, and, in fact, there is.


Why does God allow those who are trying to live in accordance with the Bible to suffer? Even the Apostle Paul seemed to have had more than his fair share of afflictions. Perhaps now would be a good time to read or review the booklet Why Does God Allow Suffering?


Anthony Wasilkoff