
Forgiving & Forgiven

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Each of us has experienced a time when another person either purposely or inadvertently did something to hurt us emotionally or physically. At times the hurt is so deep, it is hard to get past it – to let go – to forgive. Yet, research has shown that holding on to such hurt can actually harm us physically. We can literally make ourselves ill from it.


Occasionally, we hear stories of remarkable people who, despite horrible experiences they have suffered, have been able to forgive the offender. One such person is Angela Gevaudan whose husband, Fabrice, was killed last year by Justin Bourque who also killed two other RCMP officers and wounded two more.


It was not easy for Mrs. Gevaudan to come to that. She stood up valiantly during the funerals and behaved courageously while coming to terms with what had happened. It was finally during the trial of Justin Bourque that she had the determination to be in the same court room and face the man who changed her life forever.


Matthew:6:14-15 tells us that we need to forgive others in order for God to forgive us for our sins. How can it be possible to forgive others under terrible circumstances? It is not easy and yet we must come to an understanding of granting forgiveness and why it is important to do so.


The current issue of the Good News magazine features an excellent article entitled: “Christianity 101: Forgiven & Forgiving.” We invite you to read it at your earliest convenience.