
The Eyes of the World on Soccer

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The eyes of millions of people have been on the FIFA World Cup. Some have taken time off from work to be able to watch all the games. There have been exciting plays in many of the matches to keep the fans interested.


The Bible has much to say about athletes. We, as Christians, are told to run the race. Scriptures refer to boxing as well. Sports can teach many lessons including endurance, fair play and teamwork.


Earlier in some of the games, there was talk of players faking injuries. However, this week there was a more significant incident as Uruguay’s Luis Suarez appeared to bite Italy’s Giorgio Chiellini. After the incident, Suarez held his mouth as if he was hurt when he accidentally bumped the other player. A few minutes later, Uruguay scored a goal and Italy was no longer a contender for the World Cup.


Of course, it was all caught on tape and the Internet was full of photos picturing and comparing Suarez to Hannibal Lector, Dracula and even a comparison to Mike Tyson who bit Evander Holyfield’s ear during a heavyweight boxing match.


Eventually the Disciplinary Committee took action and found Uruguay’s star player guilty of “unsporting behavior towards another player.” He is banned from taking part in any football-related activity for four months. He may not enter a soccer stadium during this time and cannot enter any stadium where Uruguay is playing during a nine-match suspension. Additionally, he has a fine to pay.


This brings one to the question, “Will this solve the problem?” Will he and all the other players begin to play fair or will the attitude of “win at all costs” still prevail. Galatians:5:22-23 gives a list of the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. What would the World Cup or any other game be like if all participants and observers abided by this list?


If we lived according to the fruits of the Spirit, imagine how our daily personal, work and entertainment life could be improved. Stress would be almost non-existent. We would be less likely to be impatient or angry with others. There would be no bullying!


If you would like to study more about this subject, download our study guide entitled “The Fruit of the Spirit.” We cannot change what others do, but we can each make a difference by changing ourselves.


Anthony Wasilkoff